Infants with cats at home had half the normal risk of a cat allergy when teenagers. And boys with a dog during their first year had half the risk of later allergies to dogs. 婴儿时期家里养猫的话,青少年时期对猫过敏的可能性就会减少一半;小男孩一岁之前身边有只小狗的话,以后对狗过敏的可能性也会减少一半。
The condition of not being normal. An allergy is an unusually strong reaction to a substance. 反常,变态不正常的状态过敏是一种对某种物质不正常的强烈反应。
Objective To investigate the relationship between the intestinal tract normal bacteria flora and food allergy. 目的探讨儿童食物过敏与肠道正常菌群的关系。
Quantitative investigation and analysis on intestinal tract normal bacteria flora of the children with food allergy 食物过敏儿童肠道正常菌群的定量调查与分析
Then its irritation reaction on normal and damage skin of rabbits and its allergy reaction on guinea pigs were carried out. 进行家兔完整与破损皮肤接触后产生的皮肤刺激性实验,豚鼠皮肤变态反应实验。
Effects: BiKang capsule can improve normal immune function obviously, can suppress mice delayed type hypersensitivity obviously, can resist type IV allergy. 结论:鼻康胶囊对正常免疫有明显促进作用,能明显抑制小鼠迟发型超敏反应,具有抗Ⅳ型变态反应作用。